API Dokumentation
- GETGet next ticket id to work on
- POSTGet a list of tickets
- POSTCreate a ticket
- PATCHUpdate a few tickets at once
- GETGet a ticket
- PATCHUpdate a ticket
- GETGet ticket variables
- GETGet a tickets history
- POSTForward a ticket
- POSTAuto-execute a ticket
- GETPing a ticket
- GETGet ticket activity
- GETGet ticket stats
- GETGet agent queue status
- GETList of all available AI agents as an array
- GETList of all available AI agents as an tree based on associated tag
- POSTLoad enneo default AI Agents
- POSTCreate a new aiAgent
- GETGet an AI Agent by id
- DELDelete an existing AI Agent
- PATCHUpdate an existing AI Agent
- GETGet similar tickets for an AI Agent
- POSTPreview an AI Agent
- POSTGet the outcome of an AI Agent
- GETGet all test runs with pagination
- POSTSchedule a new AI quality check
- GETGet a specific test run by ID
- DELDelete a specific test run by ID
- PATCHUpdate the expected result of a test ticket
- PATCHAccept the expected result of a test ticket
- POSTAccept ALL the expected results of for a test run
- GETGet all AI agents for which test runs can be triggered
- GETGet all AI agents for which test runs can be triggered
- GETGet test cases by AI agent ID
- POSTAdd test cases for an AI agent
- DELDelete a test case by ID
- PATCHUpdate a test case by ID
- GETGet settings of a client
- POSTUpdate multiple settings at once
- GETGet settings of a client and return the results in a compact form
- GETGet settings of a client in a grouped way for a category
- PUTUpdate setting
- GETSearch settings
- GETGet Subchannels
- POSTAdd a new Subchannel
- DELDelete a Subchannel
- GETGet User Defined Functions
- POSTAdd a new User Defined Function
- DELDelete a User Defined Function
- GETRedirect to Microsoft authorization page
- GETCallback for Microsoft authorization
Detect a Tag
curl --request POST \
--url https://demo.enneo.ai/api/mind/tag/{id}/detect \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"ticketId": 1,
"testTags": [
"id": 123,
"name": "Complaint",
"fullName": "Second Level: Complaint",
"parent": 6,
"reference": "ticket",
"type": "skill",
"visibility": "public",
"color": "grey",
"properties": {},
"complexity": "moderate",
"sla": 8,
"priority": "do-not-change",
"channels": [
"subchannels": [
"detectionDetails": {},
"assignment": [
"testCase": {},
"modifiedBy": "John Doe",
"modifiedAt": "2024-08-29 14:38:12"
"data": {}
"match": true,
"dataOutcome": {}
Cookie-based authentication
Path Parameters
The id of the ticket against which to compare the intent examples
The tags to test against
Tag object
Internal id, e.g. 123
e.g. "Complaint"
The full name when not shown in a tree
The id of the parent tag. null if on root level. Can be created to create the tree structure of tags
To what this tag can be assigned to
, contract
, customer
Type of the tag
, product
, brand
, customerProperty
, contractProperty
, other
Visibility of the tag
, private
, disabled
Color of the tag. Default is grey
, green
, red
, blue
, yellow
, purple
, orange
, teal
An array of strings that specify special properties. Currently only ['defaultSkill'], if this tag should be assigned if no skill was found
The complexity of the tag
SLA in business hours. So if we have business hours from 9-17h, an 8 hour SLA means ticket has to be solved within one day. NULL means no SLA is assigned.
If set to anything other than do-not-change, then the ticket priority will be set to this value if the tag was assigned (either manually or via AI)
, low
, medium
, high
Channels for which this tag can be detected. If empty or null, then this tag can be assigned to all channels.
Subchannels (=Mailboxes/Chat channels) for which this tag can be detected. If empty or null, then this tag can be assigned to all subchannels.
Details how the AI agent is detected
Specifies how this tag is being assigned. The details in the assignment are specified in the settings page of the tag. So for example 'assignBySubchannel', 'assignByCustomLogic' means this tag is auto-assigned for certain subchannels, and using a custom logic defined in an executor.
, assignBySubchannel
, assignByTicketProperty
, assignByContractProperty
, assignByCustomerProperty
, assignByCustomLogic
, assignByAI
Test case for the tag
The user that last modified the tag
The date and time when the tag was last modified
Additional data to be used for the detection
curl --request POST \
--url https://demo.enneo.ai/api/mind/tag/{id}/detect \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"ticketId": 1,
"testTags": [
"id": 123,
"name": "Complaint",
"fullName": "Second Level: Complaint",
"parent": 6,
"reference": "ticket",
"type": "skill",
"visibility": "public",
"color": "grey",
"properties": {},
"complexity": "moderate",
"sla": 8,
"priority": "do-not-change",
"channels": [
"subchannels": [
"detectionDetails": {},
"assignment": [
"testCase": {},
"modifiedBy": "John Doe",
"modifiedAt": "2024-08-29 14:38:12"
"data": {}
"match": true,
"dataOutcome": {}