API Dokumentation
- GETGet next ticket id to work on
- POSTGet a list of tickets
- POSTCreate a ticket
- PATCHUpdate a few tickets at once
- GETGet a ticket
- PATCHUpdate a ticket
- GETGet ticket variables
- GETGet a tickets history
- POSTForward a ticket
- POSTAuto-execute a ticket
- GETPing a ticket
- GETGet ticket activity
- GETGet ticket stats
- GETGet agent queue status
- GETList of all available AI agents as an array
- GETList of all available AI agents as an tree based on associated tag
- POSTLoad enneo default AI Agents
- POSTCreate a new aiAgent
- GETGet an AI Agent by id
- DELDelete an existing AI Agent
- PATCHUpdate an existing AI Agent
- GETGet similar tickets for an AI Agent
- POSTPreview an AI Agent
- POSTGet the outcome of an AI Agent
- GETGet all test runs with pagination
- POSTSchedule a new AI quality check
- GETGet a specific test run by ID
- DELDelete a specific test run by ID
- PATCHUpdate the expected result of a test ticket
- PATCHAccept the expected result of a test ticket
- POSTAccept ALL the expected results of for a test run
- GETGet all AI agents for which test runs can be triggered
- GETGet all AI agents for which test runs can be triggered
- GETGet test cases by AI agent ID
- POSTAdd test cases for an AI agent
- DELDelete a test case by ID
- PATCHUpdate a test case by ID
- GETGet settings of a client
- POSTUpdate multiple settings at once
- GETGet settings of a client and return the results in a compact form
- GETGet settings of a client in a grouped way for a category
- PUTUpdate setting
- GETSearch settings
- GETGet Subchannels
- POSTAdd a new Subchannel
- DELDelete a Subchannel
- GETGet User Defined Functions
- POSTAdd a new User Defined Function
- DELDelete a User Defined Function
- GETRedirect to Microsoft authorization page
- GETCallback for Microsoft authorization
Search for contracts
curl --request GET \
--url https://demo.enneo.ai/api/mind/contract/search
"id": 123,
"similarity": 123,
"contract": {
"id": 746839,
"orderId": 123,
"tenant": null,
"customerId": 123,
"signupDate": 1661126400,
"status": "active",
"statusCode": 5000,
"statusCodeTitle": "active",
"energy": "electricity",
"energyTypeId": 1,
"energySubTypeId": 1,
"email": "johndoe@example.com",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"deliveryAddress": "Hugo-Junkers-Str. 5, 82031 Grünwald",
"iban": "DE89370400440532013000",
"monthlyDeposit": 53,
"startDate": 1661990400,
"endDate": null,
"consumption": 3477,
"counterNumber": "1ESY1160669167",
"productId": 1,
"productName": "Flex 24",
"productCode": "flx_24",
"campaignId": 1,
"salesChannelId": 1,
"unpaidDebt": 109.21,
"vatRate": 0.09,
"basePrice": 0.09,
"workingPrice": 0.09,
"billingAddress": "Rechnungssstraße 24, 10587 Berlin",
"business": false,
"phone": 491721041689,
"gridOperatorName": "E.ON Bayern AG",
"gridOperatorCode": 1000000000000,
"registers": [
"erpUrls": [
"url": "https://erp-system.com/contract/123",
"logo": "powercloud"
"rawData": null,
"agentPreview": [
"label": "Tarif",
"value": "Flex 24",
"tooltip": "AP: 28.5 ct/kWh\nGP: 149.88 €/Jahr",
"url": "https://erp.example.com/contract/123"
"tabPreview": {
"color": "green",
"icon": "electricity"
Cookie-based authentication
Query Parameters
The ID of the contract, e.g. 829211
The ID of the customer, e.g. 101020120
The first name to search for, e.g. John
The last name to search for, e.g. Smith
The full name to search for, e.g. John Smith
The birthday to search for, e.g. 1980-01-01
The company to search for, e.g. enneo GmbH
The email to search for, e.g. john@smith.com
The meter number to search for, e.g. 1ESY1160669167
The address to search for. Format is e.g. Eppendorfer Landstr. 32, 20249 Hamburg
The postal code to search for, e.g. 20249
The city to search for, e.g. Hamburg
If yes, then the raw source data coming from the ERP is included in the response
How well the contract fits to the search parameters. Exact match on contractId always returns 1 (=100%)
A contract of a customer. Either electricity or gas. IDs match the backend system (powercloud)
If a customer has multiple tenants/brands, this is the tenant name. Currently only used for SAP
Address where the electricity/gas is being delivered to
VAT Rate, usually 0.19 (=19%) for electricity and 0.07 (=7%) for gas
Address where written communication should be sent to. NULL if same as delivery address
Raw source data from the originating ERP system in the ERP-proprietary format is included here. Only provided on request.
Preview information shown to agents in the UI
curl --request GET \
--url https://demo.enneo.ai/api/mind/contract/search
"id": 123,
"similarity": 123,
"contract": {
"id": 746839,
"orderId": 123,
"tenant": null,
"customerId": 123,
"signupDate": 1661126400,
"status": "active",
"statusCode": 5000,
"statusCodeTitle": "active",
"energy": "electricity",
"energyTypeId": 1,
"energySubTypeId": 1,
"email": "johndoe@example.com",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"deliveryAddress": "Hugo-Junkers-Str. 5, 82031 Grünwald",
"iban": "DE89370400440532013000",
"monthlyDeposit": 53,
"startDate": 1661990400,
"endDate": null,
"consumption": 3477,
"counterNumber": "1ESY1160669167",
"productId": 1,
"productName": "Flex 24",
"productCode": "flx_24",
"campaignId": 1,
"salesChannelId": 1,
"unpaidDebt": 109.21,
"vatRate": 0.09,
"basePrice": 0.09,
"workingPrice": 0.09,
"billingAddress": "Rechnungssstraße 24, 10587 Berlin",
"business": false,
"phone": 491721041689,
"gridOperatorName": "E.ON Bayern AG",
"gridOperatorCode": 1000000000000,
"registers": [
"erpUrls": [
"url": "https://erp-system.com/contract/123",
"logo": "powercloud"
"rawData": null,
"agentPreview": [
"label": "Tarif",
"value": "Flex 24",
"tooltip": "AP: 28.5 ct/kWh\nGP: 149.88 €/Jahr",
"url": "https://erp.example.com/contract/123"
"tabPreview": {
"color": "green",
"icon": "electricity"