Create knowledgeSource
Cookie-based authentication
Knowledge source object
Internal id, e.g. 123
Type of knowledge source
, work-instruction
, document
, other
, news
Status of the knowledge source
, archived
, deleted
URL to associated source. null for sources with internal ids (tickets and templates) or if non-existant (language model source)
Name of knowledge source, any requests with existing name will update the existing knowledge source
Tags that are assigned to this knowledge source
(!) Should be used only with type 'news' (otherwise ignored). Teams that are assigned to the knowledge source object
Title of knowledge source
Full text that was used as source
If true, then this knowledge source is only visible to agents
Knowledge source object
Operation was successful
Internal id, e.g. 123
Type of knowledge source
, work-instruction
, document
, other
, news
Status of the knowledge source
, archived
, deleted
URL to associated source. null for sources with internal ids (tickets and templates) or if non-existant (language model source)
Name of knowledge source, any requests with existing name will update the existing knowledge source
Tags that are assigned to this knowledge source
(!) Should be used only with type 'news' (otherwise ignored). Teams that are assigned to the knowledge source object
Agents that have read the knowledge source
Title of knowledge source
Full text that was used as source
If true, then this knowledge source is only visible to agents