List of all available AI agents as an array
Cookie-based authentication
Query Parameters
The number of items to return
1 < x < 1000
The number of items to skip
x > 0
Filter criteria based on category. If ommited, only ai agents will be returned ("intent")
, intent
, template
Filter criteria based on type of the executor. If ommited, all types are returned.
, apiCall
, visualEditor
Output format. Either short (only name/id), medium (key facts) or full (all details). Defaults to full.
, medium
, full
Search query for fulltext search in name and description fields. Results are ordered by relevance when search is used
Unique identifier of the AI agent (unsigned integer)
x > 0
Category of this ai agent
Channels this ai agent is available on
The name of the AI agent visible to the user. It is also used by the LLM to validate if the intent is correctly identified
The description of the AI agent as defined by the user. It is also used by the LLM to validate if the intent is correctly identified