Enneo is fully event driven. Every key activity inside enneo triggers an event that can be further processed by external systems.
Events are always used for asynchronous processing, i.e. when the outcome of a hook is not immediately necessary for subsequent data processing. When it is, enneo relies on synchronous data connection points, as used in Contract/Customer search or inside AI Functions/AI Agents.
Event listeners can be added in Settings → Events
List of events
The following events are configured by default inside Enneo:
Event | Description |
AutoProcessIntent | AI-Function / Agent of ticket is processed automatically |
ConversationCreated | The agent replied with a message or with an internal note |
CronDay | Triggered every night monday-friday at 2am (0 2 * * 1-5) |
CronHour | Triggered every hour on the first minute (1 * * * *) |
CronMinute | Triggered weekdays every 5 minutes (*/5 * * * 1-5) |
CronWeek | Triggered every saturday night at 2am (0 2 * * 6) |
EmailAutoresponder | A automatic reply is sent to the customer to let customer know we
received his email. |
NotifySurroundingSystems | Add notifications to surrounding systems. |
SendEmail | Sends an email to the customer with specified template and data. |
TestTicketAiQuality | Run AI quality check on ticket. |
TicketClosedDueToInactivity | A ticket was closed due to inactivity. |
TicketCreated | A new ticket was received and completed AI-processing. |
TicketForwarded | The agent forwarded the ticket to another email address or subchannel. |
TicketResponse | We receive a response/reply to a ticket thread from an external party
(not the agent). |
TicketRouted | A ticket was routed to an agent using enneo's routing system |
TicketUpdated | A ticket property was updated by an agent, e.g. it was assigned to a user
or the status was changed. |
Note: Additional events can be added on request.